Sunday, August 30, 2009


If Michael Joseph Jackson was the biggest one-man-movement that has graced the earth since I can't even remember... then the TWILIGHT phenomenon must single-handedly be the BIGGEST movie/book movement of the decade at the moment.

The Twilight Saga has gotten us all bedeviled with vampires and infatuated with the undead. Stephenie Meyer's dynamic 4-part series has become a inescapable obsession, a satisfying scratch to that itch that we hardly even recognized was there. Though the series was slow to fame, its anonymity quickly disappeared as word of this fang-ridden love story snowballed parallel to anticipation of the paired indie film, eventually landing a copy of Twilight in every bitten teenager's (and elder person's) hands. The movie collected a whopping total gross of $191,465,414, and its follow-up, New Moon, is predicted to more than double that.

The Twilight sequel is subsequently the cause behind billions of Google searches on subjects like "New Moon news, New Moon pics, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner" etc. Contests such as the "Teen Vogue Win A Trip to the New Moon Premiere" are giving the legions of fans more to obsess over, as the site offers fans the chance to enter everyday for chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to the premiere of the most anticipated movie of the fall. Hey, and I'm definitely signed up. With its star-studded cast, New Moon is sure not to be a disappointment.

Only 79 days left!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The King of Pop... Drifts On?

You could call it the "heart attack felt 'round the world". Millions of fans worldwide found themselves beyond words after hearing the news that Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop", had died of cardiac arrest on June 25, 2009. News that declared that the man who was so much of a hero to more people than he might have realized had just breathed his last breath, leaving an innumerable amout of people feeling as though they had lost a part of their very own soul.

Many people, however, refuse to believe that he's really left us for good.

Not even six months after the sudden death of the beloved Michael, several eccentric rumors have surfaced, including sightings of the late pop icon's image in trees, car hoods (haha!), and the most bizarre so far, a spook-tacular drifting shadow floating about Neverland that many people have come to believe is Jackson's very own ghost. There has even been a picture taken during Jackson's immense memorial service that has found its way to the Interenet, depicting a ghostly image of what seems to be(get this) a fully-clothed Michael Jackson floating above his elaborately decorated casket, complete with his signature glove and all!

Now, I have to admit (me being the gullible person I am), when I first saw the video of the shadow moving across the room, I was immediately convinced that it was Michael Jackson's ghost, until one friend of mine explained it could have easily been a shadow of someone walking past a window outside. I also was initially freaked out when I came across the image of Jackson floating above his casket, until another one of my friends hastily pointed out the concert-ready get-up and signature silver glove on Michael's ghostly hand. So, given these obvious factors contributing to these pretend paranormal phenomenons, let us reassured that Michael Jackson is not haunting us, but is in fact resting in a better place.

Posted below is the video... CHECK IT OUT!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What Is Good Writing?

Nickole A Friend

English 101

25 August 2009

What Is The Definition of Good Writing?

How do you define “Good Writing”?

Good writing is defined by a wide variety of things. A good writer displays a sense of organization, adhering one specific topic and focus point of which the passage is about. A good writer knows how to grasp the attention of his or her audience, while provoking thoughts and appealing to the emotions of his or her readers, whether by using detailed imagery or expressive words. A good writer also never forgets to use correct punctuation, and always remembers to use correct grammar. A piece of good writing exhibits a fluent flow of words, phrases, and sentences, and clearly announces the individual style of the writer.