Sunday, October 4, 2009

Coming of Age

When people say "coming of age", what exactly do they mean?

Some people define it as when a teenager finally displays the maturity of an adult. Others say it's when the time finally comes of a great inheritance. Well, me, I say it's finally turning 18!

It seems like such a long time when your birthday is at the end of the year. Your friends are turning 18 left and right, and you suddenly feel like the little kid of the bunch. They can sign their own cell phone contracts, open up checking accounts, apply for credit cards, and are able to acquire a normal drivers' license (not the juniors' license, where you can't drive past 12am).
They're able to apply for better, higher-paying jobs, and pretty much date anybody they want, and nobody can say a thing about it. Parents give them more freedom and leeway to do whatever they want, including late night parties, staying out later, and the privilege of having boyfriend-girlfriend visits. But next Saturday, I'll have it all.

I took the liberty to purchase a couple of things for myself for my own little "coming-of-age" party, where I'll be spending the day with me, myself, and I. And though I know it'll take me a minute to get used to saying I'm eighteen, I say it loud and proud! Though, I know I still have 6 more days =).

1 comment:

  1. Being 18 isn't always that great. You have to pay bills and you have to have a job for that. It's not like when you were 16 and you had a job to have some money to buy shoes, games, or go to the movies. It's not all fun and games.
